Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
New guide for The Wallace Collection

The Wallace Collection's new multimedia guide, developed by Acoustiguide using the Opus series of equipment, includes interactive games as part of its children's tour.

Games were created by the London, UK-based attraction for the organisation's eLearning website and then repurposed for the guides, with Acoustiguide adapting software and graphics in-house.

The games give children the opportunity to interact with some of the collections' famous paintings in a fun and educational way - they can change the facial expressions of The Laughing Cavalier to think about how he's really feeling, play around with the background of Queen Victoria to put the monarch in different settings and relate to her more as an actual person, and match the dogs of several Old Masters paintings with their owners.

"One of our international offices has produced interactive content for children before, but it's our first time doing it in the UK. It's something you'll be seeing more of, especially as technology develops," said Acoustiguide's Dominic Thurgood. "Kids today are very familiar with this kind of content, having experienced it on the web, and it's a great way for them to understand and learn about art."

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